
weinor GmbH & Co. KG 
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 110 
50829 Köln/Ossendorf 

Phone: +49 (0) 2 21 5 97 09-211 
e-mail: info(at) 

Shareholder with unlimited liability:  Weinor Beteiligungs-GmbH 
Managing director authorised to represent the company: Tim Füldner

Register of companies, Cologne, HRA 5676 
Register of companies, Cologne, HRB 4661 

VAT Reg. No. complying with § 27 a, 
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Notice of liability: 
Despite careful checks of content we cannot accept any liability for the content of externally linked sites. The operators of externally linked sites alone carry responsibility for their content. 

The content of this website is copyright. All rights to translation into other languages are also reserved. Reproduction and/or copying in any form including storage and reproduction with data processing equipment (computers), including excerpts, is only permissible with the written agreement of weinor GmbH & Co. KG.

Picture credits: 
Some figures on this website have been created using AI and/or CGI tools. 

The SEMINA LIFE pictures in Patio worlds on display show peat-baked brick walls from Wittmund (“Wittmunder Torfbrandklinker”). Photo credit: © KopfKunst, Agentur für Kommunikation, (Wittmunder Torfbrandklinker,

weinor reporting system: secure, digital channel for confidential reporting of legal violations