The perfect control unit for your requirements
With the variety of control units from weinor BiConnect and Somfy, you can not only operate your weinor sun protection effortlessly, but also the lighting and heating – or all networked building technology devices via Smart Home. Tell your weinor retailer your specific wishes and requirements – they will be happy to advise you when looking for the right control unit.

No matter whether hard wired, remote control or Smart Home
weinor offers different technologies to operate its awnings and accessories conveniently. Some products are still available with the classic manual gear drive. However, it is much more comfortable to control your sun protection by motor. If you only want to operate an awning with a motor drive, a wired control unit with a wall switch suffices. It becomes more challenging when the lighting and heating are also to be activated. Control per remote hand transmitter then makes operation with several stationary commutators superfluous.
If you want even better comfort, you can integrate your remote-controlled units into a Smart Home system. They can be connected to other devices using a Smart Home box and controlled by a smartphone, tablet or voice assistant.
weinor remote control units: Your benefits
- Operation as required
- Different options for motorised awnings
- Up to 15 devices can be controlled by one hand transmitter
- Can be combined with automatic weather control
- Possibility of Smart Home integration
Please note: When purchasing your remote control-based products, ensure that they are equipped with the right remote-controlled motor. This allows their integration at a later stage and networking with other smart devices in the same system – a future-proof solution.
Which control unit fits your needs?
Not all weather protection products are the same and not every user has the same requirements. For this very reason, weinor offers four different control packages from which you can choose fully in accordance with your wishes and needs.

You’d like to operate your weinor awning manually and under your own steam? With a gear handle, it does not need a power connection and can be fitted very flexibly at almost any installation location.
Your benefits
- Can always be operated manually (even in the event of power failure)
- Does not need a power supply / connection

You would like to operate your weinor awning comfortably via a hard wired wall switch? Your motor-driven awning is extended and retracted easily by a wired connection. Optionally, an automatically controlled unit with sun, wind and rain sensors can be used as an alternative to a hard wired switch.
Your benefits
- Can always be operated from a fixed location
- Easy operation with no exertion of force
- Connection to wired control systems possible

Would you like to control your weinor awning comfortably by remote control? It’s pretty easy with a remote control. The lighting and radiant heater can be activated and even dimmed with it. Also, other awnings or accessories such as the vertical sun protection Valance Plus can be controlled centrally via the remote controller and even weather sensors can be integrated.
Your benefits
- Not tied to a fixed position for operation
- Easy operation with no exertion of force
- Can be retrofitted with other remote controls
- Operation of up to 15 devices, system-dependent
- Later integration in a Smart Home system possible (only via Somfy)
Hand and wall-mounted transmitters – secure, simple and convenient
Sun protection, lighting and heating can be comfortably operated with high-quality hand and wall-mounted transmitters from weinor or Somfy – without any cabling whatsoever. So you can control your weinor sun protection products and accessories easily and intuitively. Manufacturer and model-independent, different functions are available.
Remote controls summary
weinor BiConnect hand and wall-mounted transmitters: secure transmission
The BiConnect radio control, a proprietary weinor brand, is based on state-of-the-art routing technology.
Your benefit: The radio signal is interference-free and secure – even with large distances, angled patios and insulated facades.

BiEasy 15 M Go!
- Controls up to 15 weinor products
- Display and LED display feedback
- Extracts and retracts the awning, switches and dims lighting or heating
- RGB-optimised for dimming and setting colours

BiEasy 1 M and 5 M
- Controls up to 5 weinor products
- Extracts and retracts the awning, switches and dims lighting or heating
- LED display feedback

BiEasy 1MV-3V wall-mounted transmitter
- Controls one weinor product
- LED for transmission control
Somfy Smart Home Ready hand and wall-mounted transmitters: Smart Home compatible technology
Somfy radio transmitters can also be controlled using the TaHoma Switch Smart Home Centre.
Your benefit: With Somfy, your weinor awnings and accessories can be integrated into the Somfy Smart Home system at a later time.

Situo 5 A/M io Pure II variation
- Controls up to 5 weinor products
- Extracts and retracts the awning, switches and dims lighting or heating
- RGB-optimised for dimming and setting colours

Situo 1 io Pure II
- Controls one weinor product
- Extracts and retracts the awning, switches and dims lighting or heating

Smoove 1 io Pure Shine wall-mounted transmitter
- Controls one weinor awning

Would you like to connect your weinor awning, lighting, radiant heater, or other accessories to other devices in your home and control them from anywhere by smartphone or tablet? No problem with the Smart Home Centre Somfy TaHoma Switch! The control unit is particularly comfortable via a language assistant or a pre-set automated scenario.
Your benefits
- Many different control options regardless of location and time
- Simple, intuitive operation, e.g. by smartphone with status feedback or with the language assistant
- Automatic scenarios such as if-then sequences
- Networking with other building technology devices
Control unit with Smart Home box and app
Integration of your weinor awnings into the Somfy Smart Home System makes life easier for you.

In addition to awnings, patio heating and lighting, the Somfy Smart Home Centre TaHoma Switch can also network other remote-based devices – for example, roller shutters, door locks and surveillance cameras. Their connection to voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Apple Home Kit or Google Assistant makes it possible for you to operate your weinor awnings and accessories comfortably by voice control too.
The Somfy TaHoma app allows you to control your networked constructions by smartphone or tablet and to check their current status – even when out. Personalised scenarios can also be defined, and various devices can be connected to one another in automated processes.
When purchasing your wireless units, ensure that they are equipped with a Somfy remote-controlled motor. This allows them to be integrated into the Smart Home system at a later stage and networked with other smart devices in the same system – a future-proof solution.

Please note:
It is not possible to combine weinor BiConnect and Somfy io-homecontrol or Somfy RTS control components!
Exceptions: The Plaza Viva Valance Plus (only “Manual”) and the dimmability of weinor PergoTex II (not “Smart”)