Giving children and young people prospects – weinor supports the charity KIDsmiling

weinor supports the non-profit organisation KIDsmiling by sponsoring a pitch at its Cologne-Ostheim site. The football project enables young people from difficult social backgrounds to train for another year. Child and youth promotion and support is very important to weinor. The company is already committed to helping disadvantaged children and young people with the Sonnen-Sprosse association.
KIDsmiling football project – a great success
Every week, up to 500 boys and girls aged between six and 18 are given the opportunity to train together regularly in coaching sessions at 28 locations in Bergheim, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Leverkusen, Wesseling and Stuttgart, to take part in various tournaments and also to compete against each other. 16 coaching sessions alone take place at different locations in Cologne.
Support in all areas
The work done by KIDsmiling does not focus exclusively on sports. In addition to improving physical fitness, the focus is on promoting integration and social skills. Future prospects are created for the children and young people through additional projects, such as vocational orientation events, cooking projects and various leisure activities in the group. Work is also done on improving their ability to work in a team and boosting their self-esteem.
The non-profit organisation was founded in 2003 as a private initiative by Dr Sandra von Möller. It gives children and young people from difficult social backgrounds the opportunity to take part in free, weekly football coaching sessions. These training sessions are conducted by experienced and qualified coaches.
weinor Key Account Manager Joachim Burg presents KIDsmiling founder Dr Sandra von Möller with a donation cheque in November 2020.