Innovation in ‘my collections 2’
weinor awning fabric collection

‘my collections 2’ has arrived – and with it 171 awning fabrics with the latest structures and colours. The weinor Design Studio reacts to a trend which is becoming increasingly popular with several innovations: Patios are being used increasingly as outdoor living rooms. With consequences for the awning fabric: the aesthetic requirements of outdoor textiles are on the increase. A challenge which weinor has happily accepted with its high-quality acrylic and polyester fabrics.
my lines – a completely new fabric appearance

If interior design finds its way to the patio, the exclusive ‘my lines’ awning fabrics are there too. Here, the weinor Design Studio has been successful with a special coup: the patterns give the impression that they are not repeated, that is to say that the stripe pattern is not repeated. The result: a natural fabric pattern rhythm and a simultaneously lively, but also balanced stripe sequence which resembles the appearance of high-quality living textiles. For some patterns, this multi-stripe concept is moved so far to the background that they look like lively single-colour surfaces.
The twelve patterns exclusively available from weinor are offered in different colours for all stylistic preferences. Elegant shades of grey and beige inspired by rock formations and minerals form a focus. In the coloured area, warm red shades such as copper, vermilion and terracotta create a Mediterranean atmosphere. With orange, the designers follow the wish for sunny colouring. The new, very bright and creamy yellow buttercream colour brings a fresh accent to the patio and, with its contrast to cool grey, develops a special effect.
Micro2Macro – noble stripe structure

The differently wide structural stripes of the Micro2Macro woven fabric remind us of the finned surface of grosgrain ribbon which also forms the basis for the ‘my lines’ exclusive fabrics. They ensure vitalisation of the coloured areas for single-colours and block stripes and therefore a more homely atmosphere.

For identical weave of the individual stripes, their structures are offset against each other so that they can even be distinguished in a single-colour fabric. Here, the basic line grid used for all designs enables the harmonious connection of a single-colour and a striped fabric – for example for an awning with additional vertical sun protection. The innovative woven fabric structure was developed jointly by the weinor Design Studio and the weaving mill Parà Tempotest, with which we already enjoy long-term collaboration.
Wild silk – the other way around for a change

The awning material ‘wild silk’ has already been a popular choice amongst the weinor fabrics for several years. The thickening of the weft for this fabric results in the formation of lively structural stripes, which look similar to natural wild silk. It is now possible to also realise structures in this fabric which are generally found to be particularly pleasant: following the line of vision and leading over into the garden – as is also the case for the running direction of striped fabrics.

In order to realise interesting structural stripes in the direction of awning projection, the warp threads as opposed to the wefts had to ensure lively effects for the new wild silk. The weinor Design Studio was also involved in the development here.
Lumera leaf – for a natural look

The irregular woven fabric stripes also run in the direction of awning projection for Lumera leaf. Here, dark and light accentuated threads create a shimmering effect. Lumera leaf is a premium acrylic product from the company Sattler.
The combination of woollen staple fibre yarn and glossy continuous filament here results in a high-quality fabric appearance. With their natural patterns, the fabrics bring relaxation and well-being to the patio. The attention to detail for homeliness from Lumera leaf bubbles over from close-by, its vivid structure melts to a uniform colour at a distance.
No matter which woven fabric finally makes it – with their distinct material nature, the weinor fabrics meet the homeliness needs of the users who increasingly view their patio as an outdoor living room.