Learn in BiRec MLED ( Motot/LED)
1. Bring Receiver in programming mode
Disconnect power supply shortly and reconnect after
2. Select channel on handset
select required channel on handset ( Standard : Channel 1)
3. Press programming button for 3sec.
Press programming button for 3sec. The awning then moves respectively up for 4 seconds and then down for 4 seconds (as a cycle). This cycle is repeated for a maximum period of 2 minutes and is terminated early if the receiver has been programmed successfully.
4. Programming action when awning is closing
Press UP button (inside 1 sec. of moving up)
5. Programming action when awning is opening
Press DOWN button (inside 1 sec. of moving down)
6. Change to program mode : Light
7. Select channel for Light
Select channel for LED Lighting option ( Standard Channel 2)
8. Press programm button for min. 3 Seconds
9. Programming action when flashing 100% intensity
Press UP button ( inside 1.sec.)
If succesfull programmed the LED shuts down immediately. Straight after the LED starts flashing with 100% intensity again. Now please do NOT press any button
10. Programming action when flashing 50% intensity
Press DOWN button (inside 1.sec.)
If succesfull programmed the LED shuts down immediately. Job done.
If the LED lights are still flashing, please start over from topic 9.